busy busy busy
no time to update-y
only had one class effectively today...cos fo MSE day all classes before 130 got cancelled...wow dint reallli plan on gg but haz msged me to come down cos had free buffet!! FREE BUFFET...haha indeed the food was gd, hmmmm lemongrass chicken, hongkong mee cum ee mee tingy, fish wif lil mayo ontop and mi fav ACHAR!!!! hahahaha aniways they were like Wii games(didn't reali seem interested in tt!!), muah chee n waffle giveaways, plus fresh coconut juice as the whole theme was a beach concept. as we were eating lunch, apparently we faced an imminent threat of being chased off as we were occupying the seats assigned to play board games...Fine u want us to play den PLAY LOR!!
Lo n behold they had the most AWESOMEST(pardon mi grammar) game ever...RISK!! man it just brot back da memories of playing risk during mi cjc days!! we'd play for hours and just lve the board and continue back da very next day...hahah i even remembered we even ponned mng assembly and almost got cot by michael tan!! hahah yeap gd times i must, risk is one of those games which brings out the best or worst in sum1!!
....damn am i year 3 oreadi?? Snapppp....
haiz life's no longer a board game, now its like a prison break!!
ooooh finally cot a bit of olmpic action dis mng...and li tao did her very best but unfortunately she onli made it to da 5th...and over at da guys swimming phelps was slightly slower today possibly wanting his team mate, Vanderkaay t osteal some attention too.
but the highlight match tt cot mi eye was da badminton match between Ronald susilo(SG) and Chong wei lee(M'sia). whoa i must credit da malaysian who was aggressive throughout the game. Ronald however on da other hand kept shooting up leaving him exposed evtime and Wei lee used tt to create luvly smashes. da final score 13-21, 14-21....yeap M'sia nailed dis match...
Man, its realli cool to watch da drama of the olympics esp wen da results are usually discussed amonst the panel before being known...da anticipation on da coaches faces is jus amusing. O well, god knows wen's da next time i'll be catching the olympics.
Felt sooo bored, had to turn to apple trailers to pass the time and cot a couple of MUST-WATCH movies....The punisher is back wif a sequel plus vin diesel's Babylon A.D. .....o plus Eagle eye which is basically abt 2 characters comin together and tasked wif missions ordered by a voice which appears in every possible medium in front of them and keeps knowing their every move!! awesome action in these movies...gotta catch em wen they're out fer sure!!
Its been ages since i've been out to sentosa, and ev1's been soo busy da whole hols tt it's been hard to org an outing as well. As we met up for some brunch @ Seah inn Food centre, it started pouring.. well it was a slight drizzle which turned into a downpour in a matter of mins...DARN...but we decided to take da monorail over wen it seemed like it was gonna stop..Low n behold, it got even heavier wen we stepped into Vivo...damn weather was taunting us can!! aniways me n fizh actually started to wander a bit n ended up finding a sale @ OP...so ev1 converged and started trying out boardshorts..hahahaha
Mei's jap fren was asking me abt sg's sale... and i had to tell him sg always finds any reason to start a sale. GSS, National day, closing-down, 10th anniversary,....why it can even be a CRAZY sale...ahaha aniways me n fizh bot ourselves some funky board shorts and luckily i dint follow mei's advice and wear it out into da sea!! lol
Well aniways, apparently after spending some mullahs the rain decided to spare us and we made our way out to da island...i'm not not too sure abt da name of the beach we went too but i noe its da one on da left side of the monorail station...O BTW did u noe da monorail's actually called sentosa express...why can't they name it stg cooler like Thomas or Mr palawan....i wanted to go there cos it had less tourists and no i dun mean da kind wif hot bods n bikinis i mean da one wearing jeans and caps n white shoes...ugh...tah glam sia!! da crowd was relatively ok although there were a few eye-candies even though some of them were clearly authentic ah-lians complete with helo-kitty gear and thick hokkien accent!!
O yesh a big tip to all sentosa go-ers who forget to bring a mat along...there's always ur trustworthy 7-11 store..and no i dun mean buy a mat from em jus ask em if u cud use their empty carton boxes they throw out, as long as u assure them tt u'll dispose of it later on, u actually save 13 bux!! KAAAA-CHHHING!! yesh and while swimming swim over to da breakwaters(or water breakers as sum1 else insisted) we got busted by da lifeguard for loitering in the waters under the bridge.
Here's another tip for Sentosa regulars who just can't seem to remember to bring ur balls(figure of speech...): Borrow from another group who bothered to bring it plus INVITE them to play together wif ur group!! and tt's exactly wad we did...well although it was kinda fun at first, We were shagged like CRAP....man those guys were gd...and they were like yunger den us!! Wad a shame... o well it was a gd game nonetheless!!
o plus apparently there were a couple of other frens who were out at sentosa as well...Bebe, Weilin and Chermaine!!
I wanna shout out a big thk you to Farhan n Fizh, farhan's bro Reza, da luvly Mei Lian and her humble jap exchange fren!!! REalli enjoyed miself and i'm definetely gonna be organising a sentosa outing every mth!! WOOOT.....peace
Got invited by Farhan's parents yestdae for his bdae treat...A big thk you to mi roomie's family who've been awesome to me...went over to Fish N Co @ T2 and had da baked salmon. its been a while since i've been to Fish N Co, prob cos usually i onli go there if i'm wif a huge crowd or on a date. And farhan's sis was Kp-ing cos we all were a lil late(i tink her pregnancy had something to do wif it...lol) and as his mum was rushing rushing us, i got reminded of the scene from Home Alone. After tt we headed down to Downtown East, to catch a movie but before tt we walked mei lian back to da nearest bus-stop but had to rush back wen farhan's mum called again...so off we ran like we've nvr ran b4 all da way up to da cinema.
The love guru....as i came out of the cinema i realli felt a nostalgic feeling from watching balls of fury. Wow the amount of sexual innuendos used in this movie realli was...Nut-wrecking really!! hahaha...overall the precence of jessica alba did however aid the occasional comforting eye-candy moments. And as the stero-typed bollywood dance scences came on, i couldn't help but sink a lil further into mi seat as i shook mi head in disbelief....Man, i'll bet u at least one person is gonna come back to me abt tt moment. overall, it was an awesome night...however, TMW IS GONNA BE EVEN MORE AWESOME.....
Cos i'm finally heading to da beach...well hopefulli dis time round i remember to put on sunblock!!!
LOL oooooh lili i got mention u lei........hahaha ok maybe not recently but i've definetely toked abt u in mi blog before and not jus once lo....i still have ur letters n photo even though i'm staying in hall anymore...O and thks for clearing up the maxwell mystery...man how did u noe tt??
Spking of hall a wk of sch has just gone by......SOOO FAST...and to add to the oreadi boring lect sch life wasn't much interesting..well act i dun realli wanna stay in hall even if my mum let me...i meanthe funky ppl i used to have fun wif have all left..it just wudn't be the same w/out em i must say....
time realli seems to be flyin by like crazy, in 5 more wks i'll be having mi midterms and a mth after tt its 3 wks of exams and last but not least: CHRISTMAS. Once again, i can't help but wunder where all da chicks from mi '85 batch are??? its like all of em just disappeared from the face of the earth...well at least from mi part of the earth. haiz nvr mind i feel like saying stg.....but i ges i'd rather not!!
Wow no1 ever said growing up wud be a bed of roses and boy were they sooo right...i yearn for the times wen i was soo free i cud just sit by beach and tok kok for hours(tt's y i'm soo lookin forward to mi sentosa escapade).sumtimes i just tink maybe i brought dis all unto miself but i can't have any regrets now...all i can do is to have faith tt it'll get better in time..As the days go on, i feel like losing faith in evthing good. and for some strange reason, the next person tt comes to mind is gomz...
hahaha and oooh manda i'm sooo gonna make u famous....or rather in-famous for ur hair flicking...do pardon da poor lighting but other den tt da effex are realli cool...
Still wanna say i got looong neck??? lol........
man its onli been 2 daes soo far and i can predict that dis sem is like gonna be atrociously booooooooring!! having mi 2 Fs not arnd is like losing mi 2 arms...well some of u might tink i'm being kwa zhang...soooo ya....hahaha and i can't seem to help but keep noticing the social cliques that emerge just in mi course itself...wahhh makes me wunder y i'm doin engin la, dis is y i wanted to study sociology....haiz met up wif huizi today and helped her out a lil wif her marketing campaign for her club..i bot 3 bottles of limited edition Coke Zero and i got a nice big hug in return....hahaha...but besides i HAD to help out since she was selling...COKE hahaha.....which reminds me of a quote i once told farhan..."buy me coke and i'll be ur bitch" LOL..
and i type this post while in mi forensic sci lecture. i have no idea how many wks b4 i start ponning tt too...but for da rest of mi modules i'm committed to attend every single one plus pay mi fulllest attn thru out!! and da usual sentiment i gather from the ppl i've toked to soo far...sch is boring!!period
The war is on between North n South spine canteens...jus wen Canteen A got hip wif Subway now Canteen B is starting to renovate itself and has a....BUBBLE-TEA STALL....like omg hahahaha....
met Wenxu, danielle and manda dis mng and found tt they're doin forensic tooo...which was a total bore plus the stupid seats at the top of nanyang audi are lil soooo uncomfy...felt soo restless da whole time....i mean they're were some interesting parts eg. Dick Cheney actually shot a member of his hunting party by accident and they used forensics to figure tt out....riteeeeee WOW...hahaha. Did you know that they offer forensic sci as a course in some aussie uni, i noe of a guy who's doin tt and ges how long da course is?? 10 YEARS...i shit u not dear frens....tt's 6 yrs to study medicine b4 continuing ano 4 yrs for forensic proper!! jeez and here i am complaining 4 yrs is too loong....
a big thk u to eugene koh....dis gal is sooo cute and reminds me of baby ally...WADever!!! lol SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE!!! I Luv her hand signals!! hahaha hilarious....
WOW.....has it been 3 mths oreadi smashin...and alas da holidays(or wad was left of it) is over and da monotonous clockwork of sch life takes over. i started da mng waking up at 7 although i planned to wake up at 8...thk mi gd old kachiong-spider mum for tt!! and i must say da ride across da island from tamp to boon lay wasn't half as bad as i tot...i got a seat, ev1 smelled gd although da occasional pungent odor of mng breath made me rethink tt...but ya not too bad, reached sch in an hr plus. however, sumhow da ride back seemed longer.
Sch was unually quiet wen i reached it, its like da freshies weren't even there...i rem last yr wen countless chicks wore so much makeup on da 1st day it was like they tot there was a club in da middle of campus! but dis yr wow, fewer ppl actually got lost, fewer ppl on the benches, fewer unfamiliar faces. its either i was getting blind or da freshies realli did a gd job of blending in wif the crowd! amazing it was like yest wen i was freshie but i'm in yr3 now!! jeez time realli flies fast wen ur sch, which is not realli gd ting if ur studying a subject wif a lota complex concepts to grasp...
well not too bad, i wasn't very alone aft all....still had frens arnd plus bumped into a few others...den again gimme me a couple of wks i'll be back to mi noisy self again or so i desperately hope!! dates to remember: sentosa on da 10th, Mid term on a freaking sat mng (Sept 13), Starting IA on 5 Jan 2009....O plus its been officially 96 daes since i've last clubbed....withdrawal symptoms seem to be subsiding but i have no idea if there'd be a recurrent panic attack...o well les see how long i last!!
hmmm..a random thought jus happened to pop by into mi head but as soon as i get down to bloggin abt it(its been 4 hrs since da random tot), i forget it...ahh crap ....if onli there was a device tt made me so much easier to blog w/out having to power up mi lappie..maybe the next hp i'm gonna get i'd prob look for one wif wifi access and prob a qwerty keypad...and i must say the versions of handphones mimicing da Iphone are rather enticing..
And reading back on mi previous posts for da last couple of daes WOW...its realli disappointing, ahh well hopefulli da drone of sch life or rather da 'sources of inspiration' would lead to something bigger and better for me to stretch mi literary claws!!
had a splendid day yest afternoon..i finally cot the dark knight in da cinemas together wif manda n Vic, although i was realli close to watchin it online! and i must say thk god i dint...cos da effects were just amazing. was supp to watch at cini but unfortunately damn sch kids bot away all da ticx and had to flee all da way to the Cathay. and all along the way amanda was just meeting frens every 5 mins...realli made me wunder wad mi frens were? doin at tt time of da day? o well back to da movie, i must say da most favorite part of mine was wen da joker was meeting da mob for the 1st time and says he's gonna make a pencil disappear, and jus as a thug rushes him, the joker overpowers and slams da thug's head into da pencil and said "ta-da". aft tt i cudn't help but lauff mi ass off for a gd 5 mins and i tink i was prob da onli guy in da whole theater lauffin out loud at dat scene. i mean ya sure it was violent but hey can't u see da humor he realli DID make da pencil disappear. tt was prob da onli time i found the joker to be hilarious...but overall it was a great movie.
walking past da mrt stations and a particular ad just caught mi eye..THOMAS AND FRIENDS ARE COMIN TO TOWN.....hahaha for those for who still rem da early sat mngs wen thomas and friends used to entertain us wif their lil stories on TV12....hahah and now tt rem i used to hate percy cos he was such a pussy!! lol....ok moving on..
found a couple of interesting facebk tests and decided to give em a shot since its been a while....and apparently i'm a left-brained person who's very lazy and i was an angel while growing up??! REALLY...RITEEEE ok i'm sure mi parents can debunk tt in a second! lol not onli tt but i quote, "You never got in trouble and never disobeyed"......muahahaha wad a joke!! and mi fav starbux drink is Signature Hot Chocolate.....Hell nooooo, i'd stick to mi mocha frap wif xtra, and i stress XTRA whipped cream any day!!