can fly zappers zap a human??
Can those UV fly traps that zap insects zap ur finger if ur stupid enough to put ur finger thru it??
Shall do da research (and if neccesary the practical) and report back....
Stay tuned for another INTERESTING community service project by Prakky!! lol
The sixth harry potter...
went to watch it harry poooter at vivo todae wif geok n kwan a lil confused at the start of the movie, probably cos i haven't been watching a potter movie for some time and the various background characters like malfoy's dad and sirius black puzzled me a while...but thkfulli just for a while....overall hmm i wudn't give it more den 2.8 stars...Well must be all this magic talk is finally wearing out!!
Oh and if ur ever in the area, jus opposite the theatre in vivo, in one of the small pushcarts works mi fren selling liqourice sticks.....she's got all sortsa flavors so do check it out. and if u tell her i sent u , she'll give u a lil treat!!
i i i i
i run and i run
i dun wanna break
i dun wanna break
unless u want me to
run run, run away!
glad its off
I tink this post is like the SHORTEST post on mi blog!!
hmmm twitter + blogger = twigger/blitter
HAHAHA RANDOM shit........
eeeenie meeeenie hermonie moeeee
ahhh shit sia back to watching mi dear CSI:Miami shows....and just got bored of tt after watching 6 episodes back to back...
Feel like playing lan...hmm....must starting chio-ing ppl to go play lan!!
ahem i dare say....
There was only one animal
It was a dog. A shitzu to be exact!
Thank you...ahem
Bruno the movie review

HAHAHA...yesh i was soo bored i just had to watch this was da same as BORAT...although i tink borat was funnier...seriously i have no idea why would any1 pay to watch this in the theatre?! I mean there's realli a limit to cheap humor...and Bruno has certainly surpassed that mark...Total utter rubbish!!
MSE FOC 09/10 summary
things i'll prob miss(or maybe not) -->
- Slping on the floor and waking up cos of the burning heat of the mng sun!
- Waiting in queue in the girls rm to use their shower
- Watching Channel U while waiting in queue
- Drinking a whole NeWater bottle every 4 hrs
- Camwhoring wif Fizh
- Watching ppl play the 'animal game'
- Getting mi slipper ripped up TWICE by Mingpin
- O YESH AND THE MOST UNFORGETTABLE experience....Dancing to the Nobody song!!
in the meantime if i dun hit mi bed soon, i sure as hell gonna fall sick before mi biz law exam on wed! RAWR.....haha. Wish me luck!!
MSE FOC 2009 - Day 2
Aniways yestdae was pretti awesome the 3 hombres plus one senorita were chilling by the downramp, managed to buy a hoegarden and chill and Oh just in case any seniors wondering where we're staying, its da 'city beach resort ' near PSA building..
Had an awesome round of WARGAMES yestdae..hahaha o btw if u wanna chiong, DUN GARANG!! wait for ur shield to catch up!! i got too excited and got a FATAL chest shot by a water bomb. hahaha but it was not long before the whole game became an artillery barrage of water bombs!!
Aniways i gotta run for sch now, dunno when's the next time i can write in again...well hopefulli they got wifi access in Sentosa!! lols XoXo
MSE FOC 2009 - day 1
Yesterday was quite shaggedelic! Started the amazing race portion after dinner, Ran (ok not realli RUN la pls) all the way from sch to various locations and had to clear certain challenges.
- Sch --> Imm - First had to go into Giant and buy 6 items, totaling not more than $5 and has to be SMALL, ROUND and YELLOW. Then to get the next clue, which some soduku kinda puzzle which was apparently a traditional malay puzzle...Where's the mat when u need him?? he's kissing irish chicks up state!! RAWRRRR!!
- Imm --> Clementi - Went to this spot called Decoder's Cafe near clementi mrt, tink sumting like settlers. hahaha split into two groups and played some games and somehow we mysteriously knew where to go next, SO OFF WE RAN!!
- Clementi --> S'pore flyer - walked all the way from city hall to there and occasionaly jogged. managed to get some red-haired angmoh to do some stunt with us to get xtra pts for the group! lol ...reached the flyer and faced our next challenge! pass a playing card from one person to the next by 'kiap'ing it between the mouth and nose! lol
What would you do b4 u Die??
Kinda interesting reali, made me think for a while, What would i have done before i died?
A gd fren had asked me this qn, and after hearing their answers i realised how much of a realist i was. Plus, considering the age i was in, i dun have any kids let a alone a wife (OR a gf for tt matter), so i can't realli factor that portion in.
how abt career?? As much as i'd lurve to quit sch and earn some hard-earned mullahs and sell mi soul away to some corporation, unfortunately i'm still finishing up my final yr. So the part i wanna do something nice for mi colleagues or even mi boss becomes irrelevant too..
So what do i realli wanna do before i die?? hmmm dun wori i'll be sure to let you noe that very day!!
Another lazy sunday afternoon....
But the point is, yesh next wk i shall be heading out wif a bunch of brave souls for mi sch's Freshmen Orientation Camp. Wow, its been a while since i've been to an orientation camp, SINCE mi JC daes..but o well, since its gona be our last yr mite as well do something gd for the community huh? or so i thought...
Welll hopefulli, there's gonna be a funky bunch of peeps out there! Yeap, and this yr all of my cohort is back in school...Gosh the polictics, the scandals, the bitchings...hmmmm who needs gossip girls?!! Lol XoXo
Amazing ad or copyright infringement??

Hmmm take a gd look at this advert.....what's the 1st ting tt runs thru ur mind?? doesn't it look like an Ad campaign for Channel 5, cos of the distinctive shape of 5? hmmm hahaha actualli it isn't!!
yup, its actualli a new range of chewing gum from Wrigley and gosh just looking at the adverts on youtube has changed mi mind of 'pow-tou'-ing them to media's one the coolest i've seen....hahaha imagine the future!!
Google to launch a new Operating system
Thkfully, they're creating this new OS for netbooks for now and much of the inspiration comes from their web browser, Google chrome. Users have complained time and time again of the times when computers used to run so fast when they 1st bought them but slowly got dicey in its performance after much usage.
With the key elements being speed,simplicity and security, Google is reaching out to the open source community to assist them. Ultimately, their goal would be to create a browser to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds.
Will this be a success like their search engine or will it be a faint echo like their browser launch?? Well we shall find out when the tentative launch of Google's Chrome OS the middle of next yr...
This is your speed...WAIT KEEP UR EYES ON DA ROAD!!!
Another idea they came up with was a digital sign that lets road users know the speed they're traveling's the shady ALERTS them if they over the speed limit. But it doesn't say how it alerts the road users...sounding alarms?? taking a picture and sending a summon to ur house in 3 working days? sending u an sms??how HOW?? and besides if drivers could actually afford to glance over to the sign to satisfy their curiosity, why can't they just rely on the instrument in THEIR OWN CARS??jeeeez...
Sentosa NEW link bridge completed
Hmm tok abt pre-empting for the opening of the IRs (Integrated Resorts)....o well and spking of which, the completion of both resorts have been delayed to early 2010, possibly by CNY! the delay was caused by the shortage of labour and materials such as steel and SAND!
Which reminded me of what i came to know about our sand predicament, Apparently since the Indos have stopped selling us sand, we've trying to secure other contracts from Vietnam and India.
And speaking of Indos, Wadever happened to the coroner inquiry of the NTU stabbing case! hmmm from the lack of news, i'd prob think the family should have lost the case but o well, i shall dig arnd to find out more!!
Sara Wee ft. 53A - nobody, nobody
ok ahem enuff of the crazy cheeleading stunt but ya hope u guys enjoy this rendition. These guys can preety much play any song u throw at them...regardless of genre!! once again SARA WEEE!!!! WHEEEEEEE.... =P
Celebrate the passing of the King of Pop tonight!!
Hear Ye, Hear all whom wish to celebrate the passing of a great music idol or are just looking for a reason to go hit the club, do i have just the party for you!!
And what a day to celebrate a man's music that has lived on over 2 decades, then on a night for retro! Gold 90.5fm and sony music will be hosting the 'Black or White Tribute' party @ Zirca tonite!
Doors open at 8 and there's FREE ENTRY FOR ALL up til 10pm. The party would definitely not be complete if not for the Micheal look-a-like, throwing in the all too familiar moonwalk. Why impersonators?? is it better to see someone(OR ANYONE for that matter) pretend to walk,talk and act like your idol rather than watching a video montage of that actual person??
Aniways, you can also expect a specially concocted black n white cocktail tonite....hmmm sumhow i suspect they're gonna glamify a black/white russian! hahaha....
loook look see see
lalalalala...looking arnd for new templates!!
week in review
Ahhh and a a very big Jia You to S n P, and the whole gang there like joanne and vivien to be starting on their attachment. Dun wori P, although ur pay mite be sucky who noes, they cud probably hire you and pay starting $3k, so ya always remember the world works in mysterious ways..O and hope gummi has a wonderful stay over at Edinburgh!!
moving to regional n Co (not the restaurant! da clique in sch la...) have managed to get their electives. Phew!! hopefully farhan got his too!! then again i think ev1 that emailed the sch got it!! crazy ass admin ppl onli released out like onli a few classes and expect ev1 to squeeze into the rest of vacant modules, WHICH IS NOT WHAT WE'RE INTERESTED IN...shites man what kinda system of specialization is that sia?? even 'SPECIAL' ppl noe tt its soooo sucky!!!
And lastly: Local news!
WEll, i have no idea why but i'm sporting back a moustache...god knows for wad but ya it makes me look more yeah...or shd i say RAWR
The Time traveller's wife
Gosh this is such an awesome it just makes me wanna start reading again!!Lol
Believing in destiny again..
that miserable ol feeling that ev1 has that [X] but you. and u cant help but sigh!
Of cos u can mope abt it, emo abt it, bitch abt it, whine abt it...but FOR WAD??
All they're gonna say is "Awww...etc etc", or rather tt's al they can say...
Haiz i hate that stupid facebook quiz result, cos seriously if that were tru then i'm pretty much doomed for life i ges...
jus going back to trusting my instincts and believing in destiny!
Cos i just can't fight no more...cos you're not showing me that your worth my fight!!