OMFGGGGGGGGG.......i've been conned!!! holi shit i feel soo embarrased to say dis but i honestly had no idea..well i'm not da type who joins grps onli to quit from them later....but dis grp just went past tat line!!! apparently a few mths back i had wanted to start a grp abt hairy guys but found one oreadi formed, so joined it: Hairy Chest men....soon after i keep getting emails from its founder who emails all members at least once a wk!! which i found rather irritating and uncalled for so i dint realli pay much attn to them... but aft yesterday's msg i went back to read all the msgs he's sent so far and realised tat...TAT....ITS A FUGGIN GAY GROUP!!!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......o dear me i feel soo violated and ignorant at da same time!!!
here's a couple of da vile msgs:

If u still dunt believe me (or are truly gay! GASP) chk out dis link:
BEWARE of da sexually ambiguous connotations!!!