o ya on ur way out we realised tt on most of da tables free snapple bottles were laid out, literally to be snapped up!! and snapp it up i did!! hahaha 4 bottles to be exact aft which one i gave to Mei and another to fizh...however to mi disgust, that very same afternoon, wen i was tinkin of wad to quench mi dyin thirst(after having fishballs and wanton snacks) i snapped open a bottle of snapple and took a sip...wait a min it tasted flat!! takin a glance, i rolled mi eyes aft discovering tt awful taste was due to a sinful invention: DIET DRINKZ!! so i closed da lid tinking maybe mi roomie(who drinks diet coke like most of the time) might appreciate it more den i did, and glancing at the lid did i discover a horrifying truth: tt da expiry date was 2 days ago!
U TINK TT"S BAD........i saw ano tag underneath it and wen i pulled da top one off ges wad da other date was.......it was expired like 2 wks ago!!! HOLY SON OF MOFO TURBANZ!!!
wad kinda service quality is this?? wen its expired they sent it back to da company who jus retags it with a newer date?? ridiciolous!!! jeez man food quality standards in sg has realli been droppin lower den mi grandma's boobs!!! (no offence to tt poor soul...its jus an expression!!) apparently ano fren shared tt they do da same for sunshine bread too!! tsk tsk....so da next time u start munchin on stg, mi lovelies pls do chk da expiry date!!

O btw i finished up da 2 bottles aniways to da very last drop and i'm proud to say there were no adverse side effects as expected!! Muahahahaha........i know wad ur tinkin....dotzzzz rite!!