damnnn...haha reached dhoby ghaut wayyy too early...snap thks to mi parents who suddenly decided to be angels and drop me off at the train station...
hmmm and while sitting here i realised sumting else jus 7 months ago on this same steps was i eating tau huay with sum1 and got scolded for breaking the tau huay into very small pieces!! haha silly me....
ok shit i hate being super early....esp wen i'm carrying mi heavy ass bag...thkfulli i had mi lappie...i'm still bored....is da net working??....i'm bored......wad du u mean limited connection?? tmd i still can't surf rite so no connection la...piang-eh......i'm still bored......o wait....ya i'm bored stilll
hmmm was browsing thru youtube in da aftnoon and found most of mi old tracks tt amazingly i can sing word for word...i'm bored....still....lalalalaa...........o wait shiokies i tink sum1's here.....o wait too short to be him!.....lalala wa lan sooo random i bttr not show mi lappie to QP ppl later sze lang ask me to read her palm !!! lol is tt Reuben?....nope......
wahhh next train comin in.....i wunder who's comin in from NEL....da doors on the NEL suck btw, can open jus using ur hands!!....i'm not so bored anymore......o wait sum1 jus called....ok finally gotta run!!!