and the reason is you!

Went chionging on wed....prob mi last session for a loong also includes the alcohol consumption as of today there are a couple of things not in my possession:

1)alcohol of any form for consumption

2)Pornographic materials (soft/hard copies/core)

3)lack of interest in relationships(da personal luv kind)

well clubbing i must say is rather different wen u dun't go with da usual bunch of ppl...o well it was still fun and i must say it was hilarious to see poh dance...and if he heard me say tt he's prob gonna swear his head or rather mi head off!! cheers man!! i'm gonna use back ur line on u...ehh shit happens..btw thkz for da advice @ Macs and ya rem wad i said to u too....

a new found sense of inspiration, a glimpse of hope....nvr losing mi faith in ..... me, miself and Johnny!! its about time i started walking instead of stopping and crying in the dark! No1 owes u a living, trust no1 but urself! if ur body is a tool den ur soul?? mi journey starts here...will u walk with me??....else da exit's to the left..have a nice day!!

~ Relak and MANtain ~