Food, food, food....Saw this and i just had to comment on it...
"TAIPEI (Reuters Life!) – A man died just as he was about to win a university binge eating contest in Taiwan, scoffing down two buns filled with rice and cheese as well as some of his teammate's food, the college said on Friday.
The 23-year-old, described as tall and strong, vomited relentlessly, passed out and died on Thursday during the "Big Stomach King" contest at Dayeh University in central Taiwan. He had pulled ahead of 30 other teams.
"I can't say why he died," said Huang Te-hsiang, the university's dean of student affairs. "He had been in the contest before. He was a strong guy."
The graduate student, surnamed Chen, may have eaten too fast rather than too much, a campus publicist said. Chen was on course to win the five-year-old annual competition, she said. He would have won T$2,000 ($60).
Taiwan's education ministry has halted campus-based eating contests while an investigation is launched."
Apparently its not cos he ate too much but rather ate TOO FAST...moral of the story: frens do not rush me if i'm da slowest eater amongst u all, as u can see its not a disability but rather my discrete way of preventing any inconvenience to you by collapsing and having you to call the ambulance all for me...soo maafan rite!! hahaha
and spking of food, Stacey, Peiyu, Joanne and me went over to hall 5 to eat the steamboat there...hmm not impressed seriously by alota things but it was generally too much vege and so lil meat, the worst part we can't buy just da meat seperately. plus dun't try da rojak or fondue there too, realli not worth ur time or money. haiz and as i walked thru mi old 'home'....i kept getting flashbacks: seeing me n farhan rushing down the stairs to catch Bus C or A, walking down the walkway and seeing mi face being STEPPED on cos it was on mi hall production poster pasted on the floor, the blackout on level 2 that made me n my neighbours come out and bitch together abt the freq power failures, the gd lauffs i had in the room wif my 2 BEST buds farhan n Fizh, Or the numerous drinking sessions at the green block sofa where 6 brudders shared their life experiences and helped each other through the hardest of relationships.....haiz and i tink i bttr stop the list right there else i risk dropping moisture and potentially damaging mi lappie. I hate gd memories.....cos i can forget the bad ones easily but the gd ones just have a way of making me cringe and feel like crap...
and i have mi fucking parents to thank for tt!! haiz....Thks guys for overreacting, COS MI LIFE'S BLEATY SWELL RITE NOW!!