Haiz funni…as i write this post i’m listening to Hinder’s lips of an angel and starting to feel preeti emo rite now…was looking back at my pathetic attempt at resolutions for ‘09 but dammn other then not being late for mi appointments, i can’t really tink of any suggestions to improve miself…possibly coz every damn one i can tink of, the possibility of me completing it seems rather far-fetched. O well, bollocks i’ll just stick to one for now…
wow and finally since its da new yr i finally dun have to vegen every sat…phew wad a relief not so much da fact i have to force miself to eat green..believe me i’ve attained da state where i eat to live and not vice versa, unless of cos we’re talking abt a buffet!! lol…and now da tunes of Josh groban…hmmm well its almost one wk of mi attachment and all seems to be goin well..i hope mi peeps in sch can say da same too =)
Its soo weird now, i duno if i’m da onli one who feels this way..but every time i hear a song from the past(when i mean da past, i mean anywhere from a few mths to a lota yrs back :p) a flurry of memories jus flash past….some gd, others not soo gd….mi mind feels so noisy and i’m running outa ideas to end the pain..hahahahhah OMG la sound soo suicidal la…jeez!!
…SIA LA ‘BACKSTREET BOYS – Show me the meaning of feeling lonely’ brrrrr -shudders- hahahha…spking of shudders wah piang i have no idea why mi office is soo bleaty cold i have to suit up like a bleaty eskimo and mi funny boss tot i was falling sick!! wa lau i noe air is free la, but cost alot to freeze n blow to us lei…well thkfulli da hot drinks(Teh tarik,cappuccino, Latte, Milo) are free!! haha note to self: remember to bring a mug to office next wk…
Duh facts of the Week:
- Petrol prices have gone up by 4 cents
- Israel not very happy with Palace-stain
- Firefox is better then Internet explorer
- The Singapore Flyer still not flying
- All major serials have more or less stopped showing new episodes for NO APPARENT REASON!!