of all the times i’ve been to NUS for lunch i must say jus loooking arnd, the gals there are much more different than NTU… like amongst the crowd there’s always this one gal tt just looks so sweet, she just sticks out from the rest. and as i gaze (not mentally undress hor…i only GAZE @ beauty…) at her, i get this awkward hollywood moment where evthing slows down. and i cud swear wai tuck’s voice slowly droned to that slow motion voice. man it was pretty weird and funny at the same time and so serene and calm and i was jus stoning at her…jus lookin on and on and on and on….and den mi boss called me and asked me to come back to work cos i had to help him wif some urgent audit stuff!! DARNZZZZZZ…wad a mood spoiler!!
hahaha and if ur wondering y this post is soo boh liao??? ask me abt it………