Was checking out some random site and happened to stumble upon its take on singapore culture.
Noticed an interesting portion in the demographics section! It says,
"The Chinese constitute about 78 percent, the Malays 14 percent, the Indians 7 percent, and others 1 percent of the population. The ethnic composition of the population has been relatively stable."
Hmmmmm i wunder what they meant by relatively stable?? jeez did they consider the influx of other migrants?? Not only that, this site was notoriously full of misconstrued or outdated info.
Like for example, it says inter-ethnic marriages were uncommon and that our National Day is on the 31st of August...hmm the author obviously confuses us with our northern neighbour i suppose. Plus, there are like onli 3 photos on the whole page and their all depicting back in the days when we just got our independance!
Perhaps the most controversial statement it has would be this one:
"Chinese are over-represented in professional, technical, administrative, and managerial jobs, whereas Malays are the most underrepresented in highly skilled jobs, with Indians in the middle."
Hmmmm, i shall leave this to your own interpretation, if you wish, you MAY or may not leave a comment on my tag board...Remember you are responsible your own comment!