Whoa sooo exciting, i managed to format up mi own blog template. Well i had some help by reading the html codes off various blogs but hey u gotta learn sumwhere rite! haha i bet u 100 bux u'd prob nvr see mi template arnd!(Of cos sumting close doesn't count OK..Original effort man!! dun pray pray ah). haha will release it out once i've cleared out the kinks. O btw it mite be a lil simple for now, but i'll try to make it seem a lil more pro k?! lol
...was out shopping wif Ah zhong at Tampines 1 again yestdae and i must say da second time realli hit home..Wah KAo the mall looks sooo small..i mean you could easily walk all around the mall while waiting for someone to take a crap in the loo!!
And yesh another exciting info, i finally got new ear studs and yesh like zhongkie said, "Brudder, time to get mojo back man!"...Rite on nigga...i cudn't agree more..