A new way to quit smoking??

You are getting sleepy...you are getting sleepy...you are...you...are...you are gonna quit smoking!! HUH WTF!! OI SI MI L%$ J!$@!!

Haahaha...yesh abt 30 medical professionals are undergoing classes equipping them with 'smoking cessation hypnosis training'. Apparently, the whole session takes 1.5 hours and i quote 'completely safe'!!..hey safe for who?? for the patients?? REALLY?? hmmm..or for the docs to errr well hmmm??

Apparently it allows the patients to go into a relaxed state and focus acutely on what it is they want to achieve and they can break the habit. In addition to that, they can also imagine themselves as a non-smoker in the future...hmmm wad i wunder what else they can make them IMAGINE?? ......."Imagine your being robbed and your totally fine with it..." LOL Seriously??

haiz hypnosis to quit smoking huh?? well if tt works damn maybe they can probably move up to criminal institutions and maybe even politicians!! lol Helll why not they just march up on national TV and create a nation of EQUALITY....ahem ok maybe i'm tinkin to far ahead...