...he nvr did fit in...always doing things the way he wanted to...not giving a shit abt wad any1 tot of him.....then he got confused who was the 'black sheep':them or me?........
hmmm interesting!! i'm sure we all now the idoimatic usage of the term, BLACK SHEEP, but are they realli such creatures in our planet??
Tune in after the break to find out.....
Thank you and welcome back...earlier on the show we were wondering if black sheeps realli existed? the answer is Yesh and the term was derived from the untypical and unwanted presence of black woolled individuals in herds of sheep, which was undesirable because wool from such sheep could not be dyed.
Did you also know that white sheeps are not the 'albinos' of their species but have a dominant gene in them that turns off their color production capabilites.
hahaha maybe i should have put this in my podcast!!