ooh haha haven't been blogging for a looooooooooooong time but den again wen have i ever had da time to? past 2 wks have been mayhem with mi show comin up in 4 daes time!! but aniways came across dis realli kokster video from the Mr Brown Show and wanna share it with u guys!!! enjoy.......
no one wins if we keep score...
whoa wad a nite yest!! well so yesh after mi random rambling, finally got hold of mavis, who said they're waiting up at the place oreadi and i was like waaaah...THK U AH!! lol da best part so many ppl dint turn up so da total was like 13(so unlucky...choyyyy!!!)...hmm i mus say i dun't realli like Manhattan Fish Market, prefer Fish N Co, prob cos the ambience and food is like soo much bttr there la!! but o well i can't believe act we played a number guessing game and da forfeit was to finish up da fries ev1 couldn't finish!!! yeap which was fine with me, eh free fries hell i dun't mind losing!! But o well, all in all it was a gd farewell for Shawn, who's leaving for Down Under....all da best to him!!
After that, the ADA(After Dinner Activity) was decided to be Minds Cafe....well i was a lil skeptic cos i mean haven't act played there before...but boy was i in for a treat....however on route to da place we lost a couple of "minds" along the way in the end only 6 of us were left playing!! first up was this game called Guns and Cash which was like bluff...hahaha damn funni la even had real guns to play with!!(we're supp to pt to da person we wanna scare off!!). after we got bored of tt, Mz ling suggested dis dog n bone game, which had nuthing to do with dogs...jeez it was dinosaur bones la...it was similar to heart attack where u gotta xchange cards with ppl and get da same color grp..lol me and xing ling pay sooo much attn basket always forget to take da damn bone in the end!! TMD bleaty sneaky WX...next time i put da bone near me i tell u!! RAWWRRR..and the last game of the night was our ultimate fav: Sabouteur.....so funni cos ev1 da sabouteur's nvr help their teammates and always lost...WHOOT miners!!
Aft tt, reaching hall...still got energy to watch movie..and so cot da mist(like again!! lol) and Sweeny Todd....i mus say i would strongly recommend tt...although kinda gory(pls la k da blood's sooo fake!!) it was a hilarious musical....plus da main characters all die in the end...SOO FUNNI!!!!! Wow sooo shagged(i woke up at 1 todae...)but realli had fun !!
Waaah crap dis wk is gonna be such a squeezy wk for me!! haiz soooo many things but sooo lil time...grrr....nvr mind Jia You!!
haiz...i wanna tell you that it'll all work out in the end and U must always hold on to faith...but..but..haiz it still hurts me wen i see u hurt....i jus pray that you'll get back ur strength soon!! cos no matter wad happens i'll never ever lose mi faith in you..... -hugz-
think of the best wen you've been through the worst!
damnnn...haha reached dhoby ghaut wayyy too early...snap thks to mi parents who suddenly decided to be angels and drop me off at the train station...
hmmm and while sitting here i realised sumting else jus 7 months ago on this same steps was i eating tau huay with sum1 and got scolded for breaking the tau huay into very small pieces!! haha silly me....
ok shit i hate being super early....esp wen i'm carrying mi heavy ass bag...thkfulli i had mi lappie...i'm still bored....is da net working??....i'm bored......wad du u mean limited connection?? tmd i still can't surf rite so no connection la...piang-eh......i'm still bored......o wait....ya i'm bored stilll
hmmm was browsing thru youtube in da aftnoon and found most of mi old tracks tt amazingly i can sing word for word...i'm bored....still....lalalalaa...........o wait shiokies i tink sum1's here.....o wait too short to be him!.....lalala wa lan sooo random i bttr not show mi lappie to QP ppl later sze lang ask me to read her palm !!! lol is tt Reuben?....nope......
wahhh next train comin in.....i wunder who's comin in from NEL....da doors on the NEL suck btw, can open jus using ur hands!!....i'm not so bored anymore......o wait sum1 jus called....ok finally gotta run!!!
ur da sun in mi universe.....
yesh woke up todae and had a uber-liciously random tot todae.....cos of tt, bkfast todae was 4 slices of honey, butter toast made by moi....it was gd but i was bit worried of adding too much honey and in the end it turned out to be very little!!
o well yest wen over to mi Dad's gd fren, Uncle Bonford's place for CNY...damn got soooo mani goodies but basket of alll da days i had to be vegan on a sat(dun ask, looong story). the bak kwa on the table was beckoning me as it glistened under da light....there even was satay and pizza which was round 2 after da standard buffet!! so wad did i eventually have: lets see....nuts, crackers, 3 cans of coke, 1 can of lemon tea and yesh FONDUE....which realli was da savior....can't realli remember wen was da last time i had fondue though!! but alas, thkfulli had vegan food at home so i dint realli need to starve!! o yesh and as expected i got me hongbaos!! wooot...wasn't much but it was a nice total --> $18.....ka-ching!! lol
hmm les see i'm supp to be goin to shawn's place today but apparently stg came up so the venue's changed to some fish place(not Fish N Co) arnd dhoby ghaut area....sianz dint feel like going cos i noe its gonna be kinda ex(yesh i am in a budget lifestyle and trust me it sux), but den Mz ling would be da only cast member so i'm goin jus for her sake...damnit xing ling, it bttr be fun!!
wow smashin soo lil time its oreadi the 2nd wk of feb...smack mi musical's getting too close!!! kanchiong!!
Most fav song on mi playback list:
"melee - built to last", i jus luv da lyrics to dis to bitzzzzzz
o and ly, bleeding love is actually no1 in dis wk's P10 Top 20....awesome!!!
truth be told,
wow soo weird, i must say i feel like a glam diva now! and i dint do any shopping whatsoever!! first got to see ly's glam dress from GUESS, with a plunging neckline...(haha hmmm oooook :P i'm thkful dis is not a video blog X.X lol)....and another dress which made her look pretti sweet in it. plus a pair of skinny's which she claims is not skinny(i'm tired of saying it..so ly u noe wad i'll say ah!! lol)
next up, came amanda with her stunning gold shoes from ALDO....ooh and manda loves her shoes, apparently she's waiting to buy a $195 pair of shoes...wooot gd luck wit tt babe!! and these were not jus ordinary shoes, o mi i cudn't stop looking at dp and even though i din't have a ting for shoes.....wahh they looked sooo shiny soo glam soooo HALLEUJAH...i cud hear da angels sing and trumpets sound!! ok ok fine enuff with da exaggeration but ya they were a gd pair of shoes...REALLI SHINY did i mention tt?? o ya i did lol
And den stg else happened, i started to combine the images of the shoes with da dress....hmmm odd?! was it da influence of DEVIL WEARS PRADA?? ahhh and as i pieced together da two works of art i realised i was missing da most impt ting???
weird but happy, hahaha even in mi head i was tinking like mi character, but minus da singlish part i added tt for humor!! o yesh and spking of singlish, looks like da MRbrown show finally made a comeback. Ev1's listening to their latest podcasts which i must say was much bttr compared to their previous spoofs of PAP...o pls we dun give a hoot abt PAP! u tink we kaopei em they change?? siao ah!! JUS FOLLOW LAW!!
buahahaha it finally hit me again....
yesh now i noe wad i was thinking of......finally cot Devil wears Prada today as part of my research into mi character or so that's wad i told my mum!
haha btw seriously wow was realli impressed by the Bitch Boss, Miranda. actually after thinking about da various characters in the fashion biz mag, i realized as fake and superficial they can become, they do so at realli quite a high price i mean the pressure is always on them to be on par or set new trends. there is never a moment they can walk into work and say, "ahhh, i think I'll just have a slack day today". meetings, appointments, pick-ups, events and expectations.....b4 we ridicule and lauff at these people, ask urself this: Do u think that you would survive a day in their shoes!!
now back to mi lab report....phew thk god dis is da last sem i'll have to do those ridiculously repetitive lab reports...like y dunt we just submit da lab manual together with our results cos that's more or less what ev1 does for generations....THK U AH NTU!!
Say hello to the love in your heart
wow smashing....using Live writer and I must say I'm pretti impressed...lol no more spelling errors which is pretty common for me esp wen i'm typing fast!...now if only it had an auto correct function. plus now i can't type in sms form but rather a proper sentence structures..crudz i cud jus ignore it but as u mite already know i hate seeing errors on my screen and HAVE to correct it!!!
aniways, moving on to some latest news...latest reports have concluded that Heath ledger's death was actually due to a drug overdose or more commonly known as polypharmacy..6 diff drugs to be exact! the drugs discovered were reportedly for anxiety, sleep deprivation and narcotic painkillers. put em all together and it forms a lethal concoction known is the streets as the "hill billy"...yesh tt's rite they even have a name for dis occurrence! well another recent star to be hit by a drug-related death, is the infamous Anna Nicole Smith. Moral of the story: Treat medicine like ur food...u wunt be mixing steak with vanilla ice cream now would u??
Ahhh les seee its da second day of CNY, its a lil noisier today with more traffic den yesterday (yep i'm so bored i can notice changes in traffic in terms of decibel levels). hmm haha i was supp to tok abt stg(something) but can't really remember what is was!! lol well i'm sure it'll be back......zzzzzzzz
Gong xi Gong Xi
been realli wondering wen da last time i used torrent was...wow it seems da onli place i realli dwnld stuff from is still youtube if onli they had movies!! well so far being stuck at home seems rather pleasant so i'm treasuring tt....still can't wait for sun! lol aniways it seems nuthing interesting's happenning so yup mi posts are gonna be a lil dry for da next few daes....
wait let's see wad's goin on in mi head.....
- realised amy whinehouse looks a lil like eva mendes
- trying to thumb down songs of mi past to find in youtube
- wen's da next time i'm goin to work
- ly's hilarious wall post
- amanda's surprising comment on mi wall
plus, i realised da best place for me to study in sch: ADM.......YEAH i can fulli concentrate wenever i study here...its amazing realli started studying here las sem with jilun n gang but it seems i've been goin there less freq this sem...found out from vick tt there's gonna be a cafe there soon awesome can't wait!!!
if there's a radio station tt can define me, i ges it wud be......LUSH 99.5Fm. yeap da post-modern sounds jus seem so smooth and refined that it jus refreshes da soul from da sounds of everday chaos. what else can i say, u gotta hear for urself and experience it! but onli for those who keep an open mind!
was looking thru mi com and organising mi files back into their respective folders and found dis hilarious video taken during cast training, where we portraying one of our scenes in an animated GIF format:
Inflation strikes yet again!!
well its been a while so i've got quite a bit to blog abt...but hopefully i dunt forget wad i need to say lol...
well its crazy how subtle inflation can creep up under u and pinch u wen u least expect it. just yest while standing in the line at Macs i noticed tt a McChicken meal was like $4.50 instead of $4.40 and a Mcspicy meal b4 upsize was 5 BUX...jeeez its creepy how we are forced to silently accept price fluctuations knowing well in da back of our heads...Shit, in a couple of years the next time i need to buy a pack of tissue i'll prob have to give a note AND I WUNT GET CHANGE!!!
aniways had our first full tech run for mi musical....realli excited wen saw da sets and all, but i personally felt i was too distracted while i was acting...o well i'm bound to go all out the next time round!! meanwhile as da date gets nearer its time to sell ticx so ya....for all those interested to see me perform and sing, book ur ticx early so u get gd seats...thkz for ur support its much appreciated jus tag or msn or call me for details!! :D
hmmm 4 loooong daes...wunder how i'm goin spend mi long wkend???
Snapple blooper

mi 33th post!!....wuahaha feels like national day!!
aniways enuff of the moppy stuff on wit da current affairs. Cast training seems to be comin rather well...or so i hope!! haha well we'd bttr cos da show's in like err 4 wks!! baaaah..stress stress!!
did a lil blog browsing on fri, a past time which seems to be reducing in frequency, and found tt mi usage of the term CAMWHORE was rather revolting to some as such i shall have to change...i mean after there's no use in me joining a grp and still preaching da past...its gonna be hard not using tt term, hmmm i wunder if i cud use the word CAMSLUT instead?? lol
Life seems to be getting rather bleak and boring these daes, it seems tt we have to cre8 our entertaintment jus to satisfy our daily dosage of mayhem...fear not! as long as i'm arnd u, stg crazy is bound to happen. a clear demonstration of this myth:
P.S: Ladies dun wori, although it hurt quite bad, I'm still very much 'Capable' and fully recovered!!!