whoa it has been ages since i've last blogged, and i've realised since i've starting workin i haven't realli had time to blog but hey I"M SICK OF COMIN UP WIF EXCUSES. SO here i am, typing this blog on the one day i dun have to go to da office!
aniways, getting back to da juicy stuff in life...AI CARAMBA MIA...i was working soo much i totally forgot that yestdae was the date for the REAL SINGAPORE FREEZE. man i joined the facebk group, all excited and stuff and totally forgot abt it... O man! what a waste o well i'll wait for da next one...can't wait for the video hope it looks gd!
hmm apparently it seems ev1 tinks i'm crazy, exploited wen they hear of mi working hrs. Chill mi peeps i noe and understand ur concern and deeply(DEEP DEEP-ly) appreciate ur concern. but ya i'm doin fine i mean it sure beats rotting at home and doin nuthing but finishing up on GTA:san andreas. work is sure stressful but hey the ppl there just make it even more managable we do have our times of fun plus wen one needs help we're always arnd to help each other. like i said at AK the perks are adhoc, so evthing's in balance!!
And yesh, if u tink i'm free from work on dis Vesak dae holiday tink again!! i've saved mi stuff in mi email so i can access it on da go!! i'll be gg for recording later which is hilarious cos i can't rem mi songs anymore so its gonna be quite interesting there!! hahahaha ok gotta run now...den again wen have i ever stopped??