Wow the news today has realli some good shit worth reading about…a refreshing break from all the recession talk. Yeh we know oreadi…TIMES ARE BAD!!
Aniways, FAS has lifted the ban on Aussie footballer Abbas Saad after hearing his appeal. Man this guy was legendary back in those days, together with David Tan and Malek Awab, Fandi and Sundram. Abbas was also requesting to return back and contribute to the local soccer scene. Wow, all that commitment after a 14 yr ban for a '1st time offender'…o well does tt mean we can expect another Tiger Cup match in future?? Like the one in '93 where ev1 wore the red lion jerseys wif pride!!! Those were the days….
In other news, apparently there's a shortage of female engineers…o wow now there's a surprise!! Haha and apparently this company, which introduced a revolutionary "Introduce a girl to engineering day"…like wtf..omg la….need I say anymore?? i'm just amused by the weird ass campaign the companies come up with….nuthin against gals wanting to be engineers! I mean hey u wanna be engineer, I dun wanna be engineer ….we gotta keep up the balance right?!
OOOh any1 wanna go IT fair on sat on sun?? Jio me k ….Thks u vellli mooch!!