hmmm jus cot this movie by will smith…mi personal take: if u dun realli have the rite frame of mind to watch this, it can be pretty darn draggy. but thkfully i was…and i must say it was a beautiful movie. Really reminded me of ‘Crash’ too…
well basically will smith plays Ben who steals the identity of his brother and assumes the role of an IRS agent. using his new identity, he gathers up the names of 7 strangers who are in dire need of help. why? well possibly because of the guilt trip he mite have been facing after an accident where he caused 7 ppl to lose their lives, including his wife. One of those he tries to help is a patient with a genetic heart disorder, whom he falls in love with and after finding out that she doesn’t have much time to live as her blood type’s pretty rare, he commits suicide (how? he used his pet jellyfish to sting him to death tok abt creative suicides!…well at least he din’t goin arnd stabbin sum1, particularly in the hands and back!!) and amazingly his heart gets donated to her, but they dint show the part where he knew they were da same blood type but O well…o and wen he died his corneas help another blind stranger he was helping get his eyesight back!
A truly sad story…he helps improve the lives of those, in whatever way he can and for those who can only improve their QOL(Quality-of-life) through organ transplants he sacrifices his own life for their sake. When something tragic has happened to us or as a result of us, what are the choices we will make?; do we choose to move on and be strong and get on with our lives? do we learn from our mistakes and engage actively to prevent others from ever going thru such tragedies? or do we simply take the easy way out and just stop living? and even if we kill ourselves, tinking that all hope is lost, do we make sure we at least do some gd with our death or the last counts of breath before our fateful departure.