Dead indo NTU student's death still being questioned??


another day and another 10 witnesses take to the stand. Apparently the deceased NTU student had 'married' another online gamer and wanted to take their relationship to the next level in real life, but apparently was rejected wif da reason that she had married another online player as well? hmmm dodgy...riteeee

The most interesting development, another witness had apparently taken an 8 sec video of sum1 sitting on the ledge precariously! but as he ended his video to make a call to the police, da alleged person had jumped and experienced can i put inelastic collision with the ground...
Btw, if any1 has gotten a hold of this video, PLS do inform me immediately for cross-examination!

But all in all, here's mi 2 cents worth from this whole saga! i seriously think that those related to the poor guy is making a big hooha for nothing and not comin to terms with the fact that he might actaullly have been troubled indeed. i mean seriously student suicides is defenitely not uncommon in singapore! hell personally i noe of 2 such cases, one of which being my gd fren from JC and other was a super-studious A-grade student who 'took the plunge' cos she woke up late and could not reach school in time..but tt's not the impt fact here!

What i'm trying to say is, instead of putting in all the money into the trials, i'd rather the family get some closure and compile all of their money they were willing to spend (to prove their son was murdered!) into a form of scholarship, which can be used to give out to another needy foreign student who had lost his current funding and title the scholarship in David's name. Why not put all of that money to good use and prevent someone else from commiting such regrettable actions rite??