If u still dunt believe me (or are truly gay! GASP) chk out dis link: http://ntu.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20793585672
BEWARE of da sexually ambiguous connotations!!!
If u still dunt believe me (or are truly gay! GASP) chk out dis link: http://ntu.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20793585672
BEWARE of da sexually ambiguous connotations!!!
"Those who have the most to lose, have the most to hide"
random shot of da sg skyline from NLB@10th floor....
Ahcai cudn't believe how reflective his new compaq screen is...
Da cursed lappie tat keeps hanging!!
Camwhores in Action
After getting pretti frosted up inside for soo long, i act came out to have a lil chat with da security officer, who was pretty frenly. got to know a lil more of a day in da life of a security officer, she shared with me some of her crazy shifts and heartwarming gestures she had encountered. Unsung heroes indeed!! well as we waited for ah lee to come from work, ahcai and me strolled over to bugis and got soo bored we played photohunt (lol i tink da highest lev i've reached with any1 in a pair is with ly lor) as lee and wei zhong joined us we went over to play world combat and daytona.....no matter how old u get, u'll nvr get tired of da gd ol' arcade!!
went over to wala-wala next to listen to da live band....THEY RAWKZ TO DA CORE...finally mi first show of the yr, the band's called UN53A cos its 2 bands in one: half of em are from the UNexpected and other half are from their own band 53a. the lead was awesome plus she cud realli engage da crowd....o ya did a lil emo dedication for jilun courtesy of urs truly and ryan hahaha whoo hooo...plus sk made em sing da rainbow connection, but da lead forgot da words(plus i have to call her lead cos we all realli not too sure abt her name...lol yesh we were in our own world!!)
the lead vocalist is da one doin da crazy face....awesome!!!
yupz 2 pints of becks, jap food and a great live band equals an xcellent nite out....had loads of fun guys,..so set ah every mon @ wala-wala?? hahaha.....support local music !! whoo hoo aite gtg eyes feeling woozily drowsy....hugz and hersheys to anna,jilun,ryan,sk and gina!! next outing: dis wed...hahah shit tat's fast but can't wait for it (for more photos chk me facebk acct thkz)