Karma, screw u!!
ppl always link any negative personal behavior with karma, for eg: if i dun pass u dis eraser and dun give u a gd reason for it, in da future ur prob gonna sternly warn me that i'm gonna suffer a similar fate...why?....oh cos of KARMA! well is karma for real? or do we just assume karma's our 'ah long' for bad deeds done against us and seek solace in it for retribution? or when something really bad happens to us, we don't analyse da situation in a critical manner but rather switch to a more convinient excuse; "i must have done something realli bad in mi life and soo karma must be whooopin mi ass now". well dunt u find tt weird? hmmmm if i tink abt it and started blaming karma for mi misfortune, wow i'd realli be surprised. i mean considering how shitty mi life has been for da past 7 years, i'm preettti puzzled as to how karma's not exhausted from kickin mi hind after such a looong time.
another tot that has popped into head, which some of u mite find rather disturbing....is why do we live? what is human's purpose in life? to create a balance in life?, by screwing up the ecosystem den promoting clean energy? y do we study? to get gd grades...y? so we can have a gd job....y? so we can get higher pay.....y? so we can live a luxurious life.....y? cos we'd be happy......and so? ultimately are we like lil pawns in a 'matrix'-like system. do we each serve a purpose like a program or WAD??? haiz...life has lost its meaning for me....or has it?? NEVER will i lose faith in miself...nigga pls i'm back in da game!! lol i always gotta remember STAY POSITVE!!
life seems to getting very bleak for me but i am very thankful for the frens i have and who stand by mi side even through the bad times. i will always treasure mi frens no matter wad mi status is, coz it is u guyz who give me mi purpose in life!! w/out u all, by now i'd probably be 6 ft underground!! to all mi lovelies, hugz and hershey'z muackz muackz......
If ur fav color gets involved in a crime ....
aniways, finally got time to blog: mi human resource lecture. mi tutor is such a blantly pompous bitch who can keep tokin and not realise how detrimental some of her comments are!! lol...on with da story:
HOT NEWS: Police looking for man to help in probe into molest cases (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/cna/20080130/tap-325952-231650b.html)
"......Police are looking for a man in his late 20s to help with investigations into several molest cases involving young victims.
The man is believed to be Chinese, about 1.65m tall and sporting spiky hair. Police say he was last seen wearing a round—neck T—shirt with stripes and bermudas. He would sometimes wear a pink T—shirt......"
hmmm ooh oooh i noe of a suspect, FIZH. hahah yupz we showed dis article to mi fren and he vowed to lay off the pink clothings and accessories for a couple of days!! poor guy, he oso vowed to find da damn culprit first and smack him with his pink bottle so hard til the molester loses his interest in pink forever! Well gd luck to him and all we can advise is jus stay off the da pink, and u just mite lose da link!!
weird coincidences....
Over the past few years i realised that every time i look at da time, da digits always are mutual whenever i feel like lookin at the time, for eg. 12:12, 23:23, 11:11(most common), 03:03, 14:14, 3:33(da freakiest)......of course i'm not saying dis happens every time but da frequency has been increased noticeably da past few months, prob even earler before but i didn't reali take much notice of it...why? how? coincidence? stg more den tt? i have no idea....but from now on i'll prob do a ruff mental note of how mani times it occurs for scimtific analysis....freakiii
on a lighter side, if any1 out there is lookin for a gd series to watch...i strongly recommend the Big Bang theory. thks be to stan for intro-ing me a wonderful comedy! its abt dis 4 physists who try and live a normal life: Leonard who lives da most normal life and has a crush on his blonde but sweet neighbour Penny, Shelldon who is witty and obnoxious but doesn't notice sarcasm even if it kicked him in da ass, Raj da sterotypical indian character who is afraid to tok to women, and Howard who is the wannabe playboy who tries real hard to impress anyting tt wears a skirt.....trus me if you dunt find dis serial funny, pls seek professional therapy!! lol hugz and hersheyz....
Good Bush, Bad Bush
If it had to be da one ting tt made mi dae todae, it had to be CS802, Social issues in science and tech. comparing the mundane engineering lects i have as mi core modules, dis arts-related elective was rather "refreshing". It felt like i was doin a module in SMU where there was preeti much class participation, prob cos da class size was small too..and although i had to copy notes for xing ling (grrrr stop teh-ing me), the honky lecturer kept comin up with hilarious egs and cracked us up whenever his honky torrets wud pop out!!
After tt ended, headed down to bugis with chris and met up with our costume peeps to settle the 2nd set of clothings for our characters...basically we went shopping in bugis village la. meeting sum1 in bugis village is pretti hard as we found out todae, however as i discovered there is one prominent landmark in tt maze which can be used as a convinient meeting spot: the SEX SHOP...i'm serious!! on da way back, felt hungry but was too late so cudn't get doughnuts, but lo and behold da pasar malam @ boon lay was a life saver! and what else to get but a RAMLY...yesh ask urself dis peeps wen was da last time you savoured a juciy,tantalising ramly burger...well here's a lil temptation:
Dreams nvr fade, in ur heart u'll hear me say...
ahhh cranberries...haiz i still rem da chords of dis song...omg i'm just getting chills cos i'm listenin to da song while i type dis...aniways ya getting back to da pt....
The times i spent with U were never a waste, which was prob y i can jus throw anyting down, smoke up lies and rush down just to spend time with u, even if it was for 2 measly hours...i can't help but be ur fool, i still rem da times in our early daes wen i'd just stare at u and jus smile and u'd jus frown....so cute!! haha...haiz it doesn't mean tt jus cos i dun say ur cute every single dae makes u any less ravashing....i just hope tt u'll be more understanding b4 u ever critise mi actions for there cud be some other reason as to y i cud act da way i was....although i still admit i was in da wrong to be rash and burst at u dat dae...
as for acting on it....well i dun believe in forcing emotions and inconviencing others, i took dis path now not cos i'm lookin for da easy way out...but cos i dun wanna be selfish and cause more unrest in ur heart. i now realise da fiasco tt happened a couple of months ago and i just dun wanna see us end up in tt horrid situation where we both hated each other's guts and hid all our emotions in our blogs, which also led to more misunderstandings. the onli way we'll ever survive happily is if we jus stared and jus lay in each other's arms and for tt moment didn't give a damn abt wad da whole world tot (du u still rem those daes).
baby, i need u as much u do....but...i just dun wan history to repeat itself, and tt intial squabble jus brot back da fear of emptiness of losing u...
OLDSKOOOL in da air.......
ow ow ow....finally dropped by da gym yestdae....amazingly i dun feel much pain other den at da pits of the upper arms (i dare not say armpits...UNGRAM!!)...but ya means gotta more often and build up tt freaking 8 pack which i last had wen i was in sec 3....bahhh...spkin of sji daes...met an old fren pragalath in da gym todae...and da 1st ting he toked to me in tamil and almost instantly i switched back to tamil also....lol funni how we used to bitter enemies in our yunger daes and now we're on gd terms! i lurve meeting old frens.....frigg which reminds me i gotta meet up wit dumbdick and Mr. thong...shit its been like ruffly 8 months since we last met up...MIZZ u Bros!time to tok kok, relak and MANTAIN!!!! gd daes gd daes....
which brings me to mi next pt, i have no idea y and it even has farhan stumped: mi trend back into oldskool music....listening to mi fav tracks from (get ready cos dis names are pretti classic): Ronan keating, A1, Anggun, Blondie, Everclear, Robbie williams and Whitney Houston, etc etc....OLDSKOOOL....lol realli most of these songs held soo much memories! i can still rem back in sch wen we used to sings these songs, we knew da lines word for word and understood da emotions behind em....lol seriously i'm getting too old for dis shit!!
Prakiee Advocates and Solicters: Case 09823-6
It seems that incidently somehow or rather, both of U have appointed me (BY DEFAULT) as the middle man, since u both longer have any direct verbal communcation links with each other. I refer to Sun's incident where a hate response was sent from Client A to B thru mi msn! it seems that da sparks of dispute have been rekindled and now i'm stuck in da middle of it. Overeaction on Client A's part cos Client B to resume in a blog war. gathering from the offline msn msgs and smses, it seems this situation is abt to get outa hand. so PLS do heed mi advice, esp Client A as Client B will not pursue legal action unless u provoke her again! i can try and mediate and do some form of damage control...but a word of caution to both parties, Dunt start back up and stir up da dead, cos when they start haunting U, i can onli but stand at da side and watch u guys bite ur heads off!!
As such, i would like to propose a ceasefire of all sorts. Client A dis msg shall be relayed to Client B accordingly but i need ur word tt you will act mature and not succumb to emotional temptation! I do not want to see a repeat of Sun's event as both parties are still mi frens!
As i conclude, here's an analogy for u both: From now on ur lives will be parallel......i.e to say imagine both of u are driving to da end of da island: Client A stick on the ECP and Client B stick to the PIE....and neither one of da parties shall ever cross the KPE anymore. Thank you!!
~I can't believe that i tot all of dis while i was in da showers.....lol.....i lurve mi loong, hot showers~
If tommorow never comes....
sch's lookin bleak jus ended add/drop finally settled tut groups and stuff and while staring at mi timetable i realised stg! i'll be doin 22 AUs dis sem...tat's 7 examinable subjects...(X_X)......as such i realised there's a lot of work to be done and together with cast trainings and memorising songs dis few wks up to term break is gonna be realli tight for me..(not to mention mi finances)...haiz o well it has to be done aniways i don't much sem's left to spare! so a lil note to mi luvly frens i dun realli tink i can prob meet up anymore for dis sem as i will be rather packed but will commence socialising again aft mi exams are over...hope u'll understand!! however, if u do need to contact me if any need arises i'm always here...dun wori abt tt :P
last on mi agenda would be mi complicated love life...haiz well it onli took one fight and knocked our senses back...seriously i didn't noe where all of dis was heading but aft much tinking i realised that even if we attempted to make it work, it would just make the separation harder...we still hardly know who we realli are and da fact we can't see each other eye to eye jus makes tings worse...well we're jus frens now but onli god noes wad's gonna happen wen i finally come to da point when i stand next to her.....there's stg abt her tt's soo addictive it makes it hard for me to leave her! seriously i hate to do dis but da less i tink of her, the easier it is for me to stay just as frens and avoid complications....its crazy how sum1 can just jump into ur life outa no where and just bring soo much joy but beneath ur smiles ur heart keeps tellin u, u can't hold onto dis one so jus let her go......i jus hope u'll find ur happiness wherever it may be....but no matter wad happens, once u've stolen a spot in mi heart, i'll never ask for it to be returned!!
i yearn for a love tat's simple and in bliss...O when will i find da right one for me??
NEws FlasH: Smirnoff Vodka's da best

Dear IT Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0 and World Cup 2.0. And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?
Desperate Housewife
Dear Desperate Housewife,
First keep in mind...Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1. Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files. Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall anotherBoyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limitedmemory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
Prakazzz stunts
as the storm subsides, we are left drowning in da flood.....
1) phone sex takin a turn for da worst hahaha (http://youtube.com/watch?v=6mgWES4oBhs)
da funniest part would be the term 'Pearl necklace' plus the line "hellsyeah,hot damn"
2) Kid in melbourne throws a party and 500 ppl show up and terrorise da neighbourhood. U'd realli luv dis guy he's waaaaaaaay bttr den william hung!! haha (http://youtube.com/watch?v=X2EDtxEumFI).......... OMG watch this and you'll understand how stupid the Aussie police are!! like seriously how do you expect him to disperse a crowd of 500...ridicuolus!! yo Corey i'm behind u all da way man!!! lol live like a rebel....whooo hooo
yup lets see an irritating ting happen in sch todae!! Dindson phua jun liang was soo boliao during lecture todae he was actually using his own laser pointer and distracting the poor lecturer not 1 or 2 but 3 damn times....plus da more irritating fact was wen no1 believed me wen i said it was him, they were like i dun tink he's tt immature....LOL whoa ppl, obviously u dun noe DINDSON PHUA...he still got da cheek to come up to me after da lect and say tt lect was boring la. and wen farhan told him it was irritating, he said "OK, i'll do it more often den"....hahah i jus smiled cos honestly i'm reali immune to tt bastard!!
Hell yeah, hot damn!!! lol...........
O ya cot ano movie too...The Kingdom...been wanting to watch tt for a very looong time..i luv being a pirate!! aniways it was an awesome movie and made me tink esp da last few scenes....da killing nvr stops...americans move in tinking they're making progress for democracy but perceived by da muslims in the middle east as oppressors of their religion and spreadin their infidelious culture! haiz....will dis constant hatred ever end, let's be real its tings like dis tt make da world go around so expect more hatred killings and uncalled-for invasions....
what goes around, comes around, stays around and becomes a pain-in-da-ass
reaching walas i called pucao down since he lived like nearby....so 4 of us sat there ordered a whole list of drinkz...
1)Prak: Henessey VSOP/coke , Smirnoff Blue/sprite
2)Zack: Smirnoff Blue/lime X 2 (which tasted like limeade actually....lol...but zack was cool wit it still)
3)Poh: hoegarden GRAND cru X 2
4)Pucao: (get ready for dis...) White Russian, Black Russian and Grasshopper
Pucao wins da dae!! haha realli it was fun ordering drinks we had ever tried b4 and agreed tat we shd try diff places next for eg: hog's breath cafe...well done holland V!
as i venture back home tonite, i fear for da worst!! haiz it seems tt stupid cloud over mi head jus turned into a torrential downpour, whether or not i'll get struck by lightning and lose mi everyting i hold dear, onli time will tell...well no matter wadever shit happens , i noe i still have to face it sum how...life sux but eh jus take ur downfalls as learning experiences and keep ur head up and jus move on!! Be strong, Prak! its judgement time, time to embrace ur faith ......haiz
you dun noe wad u've got till its gone......does tt mean i shd lose evting??
aniways ya woke up super late todae cos was realli shagged last nite aft watchin a movie wit mi roomie...THe Mist...tink its comin out soon i ges....hmmm not too bad da ending was really smashing..ok act in a nutshell its abt dis small town which gets hit by a storm and so most of em gather in da local hypermart to gather supplies, and da place gets covered by a strange mist, screams can be heard but no1 noes y or wad in da mist tat's killing ppl....da gist of it is abt how uncivilised humans can change into wen put in a chaotic sitaution...scary!!
ask urself dis:
-- What would u do if there was alien invasion, would be a leader, leech, or lone ranger? --
P.S: O ya btw Mavis, i seriously tink american gangster was a gd show lor....Denzel RAWKZ
been realli listening out for songs all over da place...and dwnloading movies and songs like crazy...from youtube to torrent to limewire....o ya was delighted tt i managed to stumble upon summore corrinne may songs...I LIKE!! hahaha....hmm cast training seems to picking up frenzy and really kinda excited as to how da new musical would turn up...ticx comin up soon so ya i reallli recommend getting dis yr's ticx....haiz i wish sum1 was here to see it but o well........
Ouch...ya me, farhan and fizh were like trying to punch some piece of wood tt farhan got for some training tingy...ouch hurt mi knuckles but hey feels gd, come on no pain no gain....i'll put up da videos later tonite wen i'm back later...yeap goin Wala Wala with mi buds Zack and Poh whom i pangseh-ed in da hols...we're supp to go JB eat seafood but carolling got da best of me so ya...nice to chill wit mi green blockies!!
Til later ....rem to stay happy, stay luvly and keep on luving!!!
I'll be alrite, its built to last
welll da new yr has finally arrived, and honestly for me da new yr onli comes wen i start sch again!! glad to see old faces again and somehow it realli feels different dis yr i seem more focused(til now i haven't realli missed any major lects and i cot up wit da onli one i skipped)...however onli time will tell if dis consistency will prevail well prak has faith....and we all noe faith always prevails!!!
been real busy in a gd kinda way for da whole of dis wk cos its her last wk in sg b4 she flies off again...haiz it was hilarious to noe tat we were swornly bitter jus a couple of wks ago but wen u finally tok to sum1 in person da sparkz keep flyin back and u push all ur bitchings aside....i ges tt's y say they love's a mysterious force.....o well at least i dun tink we'll be having da same bitter arguements dis time round cos we've made up our mind and came to a common ultimatum...i'm finally content knowing which direction i'll be heading from now on!!
Lastly, was bored todae so was browsing music videos and came across two fav songs of da wk:
1)Anggun-- I'll be alright
2)Melee-- Built to last
Til next time luv yal........Hugz and Hershey's
laffy taffy, kiss kiss
well and stg u can look forward to, a brand new prak!!! dunt ask me to describe him in words cos as usual u can onli describe boring ppl in a few words!! jus expect the unexpected!! o ya if anypart offends u...well too bad, cos onli mi tru frens luv me for who i realli am and appreciate mi uniquity. if u find me too confusing, TOO BAD aint gonna be mi fault...dis is who i am, i dun owe no1 squat...
les have fun and to alll have loads of fun dis yr...pt to note: try doin stg new b4 da yr ends, like learning salsa, skydiving, or jus baking muffins!! lol peace mi luvlies hope to cyal soon and spread da luv....always rem RELAK AND MANTAIN!!!